08 May 2012

Walk in the park

Parks here are special places. Ours, the Peace Park, is quite big. Still it is always full of people. Every corner of it has its special destination. Some of the activities are a little dark, involving stacks of money. Those are mostly in far away corners, and attended by men only. It will take some more courage from my side to take pictures there. Those I will cover last. 

Expect classical dancing, badminton, Qi Gong, music bands, knitting, reading news papers, kites, electric boats, children's gambling hall, bears, lions & tigers. The best part is that in the corner for music bands, all the bands sit together and play at the same time. And all of them using amplifiers. But that's for later. 

First this woman drawing calligraphy on the tiles with water, and tens of birds singing in their little cages up in the trees and bushes, their owners looking up at them from their benches  (always smoking men). 

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