23 September 2008


The third week went by so fast that I can hardly remember what I learned there.

One talk with Martin I do remember: of which the outcome was that indeed a process will always be a process and that you will always dive deeper into something as a team, and always see things more clearly, and get to a better communication, and more efficient work etc. From that perspective its impossible to waste time, or do a process wrong because there is no definite outcome of anything 'processie'

At the same time I see that our team could do with a bit less belly-button focus, and a more outward look, so that we don't take every input from our lecturers to start questioning our own personal and team status. The argument that: "we can't focus on lectures because we have to fix things in our team process before we can do anything else" gives me an allergic reaction. Team process is ongoing, the chance to focus on lectures is once.

Otherwise I like this learning blog, it makes me more aware.

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