01 April 2008

facilitating young Triodos

Once upon a time, quite some many days ago now, three young people from another town asked us to help them organize an event. They were young employees from the Triodos Bank that had united in 'Young Triodos'. Together they wanted to make a statement in the bank about the energy and the vision of the youngsters, the leaders of the future.

During regular meetings we formed a work group that digged into the gold of the organization. What do they stand for? What are their strongpoints? What is the topic of discussion during lunch breaks? Which fears about the future are shared by everyone?

We found a way of working together that went against all advice that we got. Everyone contributed equally to creating ideas, working out concepts and preparing the evening on the 6th of March 2008. Invited were the managers of the bank, and all the employees under 30 yrs. The theme of the evening was time connected to quality, or 'kwalitijd' in Dutch. The wish was to create connections between people, send out a buzz about Young Triodos and their fresh view upon things, and to bring your passion outside work hours into the bank.

The evening started with the whole crowd simulating a clock with clapping hands and ofcourse a 'cookoo'! Now in tune with the theme everyone devided up in groups of three and shared their passion for things outside workhours. One person interviewed, one person talked and one looked for the sparkle in the eye... All 'sparkles' were noted on post-its and hung on the walls for inspiration in the future.

One group then went with Ursel & Peter and discussed (...) the other half went with Soad and Selma and talked about the hindrances of deadlines, omnipresent time limits and how to keep time a positive factor in your life. To our suprise all the older managers stated that they were very well able to deal with time, in contrast to the younger ones who did have a struggle keeping up with time. While preparing for the presentations there was laughter to be heard all along the corridor. In one group it was more quiet: one of the managers shared his knowledge of time management with his little group and everybody listened very attentively.

The group gathered again downstairs, curious to see the presentations of the other groups. As the first started, it became clear why there had been so much laughter: they had used improvisation theater to expresss their problems with time, and now everyone laughed at the recognition of your boss trying to make you do something he himself didn't feel like. Ursel & Peter's group had a more serious approach and their presentation held some in depth insights in the feelings of the employees towards their work. Again we were impressed by their positivity and energy. We ended with the last theater peace, five people trying to set up a meeting about time management but too busy or distracted ever to go there.

After having enjoyed a good Italian dinner we took all one by one into a sideroom. Here they got the name of one of their collegueas, and a bag full of things that could help them to make a suprise for the other: their 'Secret Friend'. For the whole week everyone should create a nice suprise for that person, and not reveil his own identity. The evening closed by everyone writing their new insights about time on a big clock that would secretely replace the clock in the lunch room.

Everyone went home with a feeling that he had met his collegues in another way, learned something about time and how it can interfere with your passion for your work. But mostly people were excited to start making something for their 'Secret Friend'. This would certainly send out the buzz about how cool Young Triodos is, and how different.

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