08 February 2008

Scandinavia Tour - Oslo

Our next stop was Oslo, the most expensive place on earth it seemed, where a single beer can make you go bankrupt. It was the only time we saw snow, but before we had time to put on our ski's or rent a sleigh, all the white had changed into slippery, brown ice. Ragnar, our Norwegian started to smile on the ferry from Denmark to Oslo and never stopped until when we crossed the border with sweden some days later. This was his home! Me and Ursel were hosted by a really nice girl that looked just like Betty Boop, dressed just like Betty Boop, and had her house decorated just like ... BB. I spent a day in bed while the rest of the team went to a party at a bikers place, with pink walls.
At the KaosPilots school we experienced what it's like to be in prison and need a security card for every toilet visit or sigaret break. With the Oslo team (those who were present) we had a 3-day lecture about scenario writing. The lecturer had some problems talking English, and we once more realized how fortunate we are not to be part of the educational system and to have had great great teachers always. In our little group we had a fun time designing our scenario, figuring out what the world would look in case there was no global warming vs lots of global warming and that combined with much power to the government or much power for multinationals. Clearly there's money to be made in all four scenario's!

The last night we celebrated with singing and acting performances, in one of the great appartments of Oslo, with the shadows of the owners painted on the wall, and other fun stuff.

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